How to Stop Oversleeping

How to Stop Oversleeping

How to Stop Oversleeping

Sleeping on a premium PranaSleep mattress is so great, many of our customers share with us that the hardest part of the day is when it’s time to actually get out of bed. While we certainly love to know how much people love sleeping in our beds, oversleeping isn’t something to take lightly. We often hear about the dangers of staying up too late and sleeping too little. While these practices may lead to illness and other side effects, oversleeping comes with its share of negatives and complications as well. 

What is Oversleeping?

You aren’t advised to sleep “at least seven hours,” you are told to sleep “seven to eight hours.” This is a big difference! Oversleeping, or long sleeping, is defined as sleeping more than nine hours in a 24-hour period. Memory issues, productivity problems, depression, anxiety, as well as constant fatigue are all side effects of sleeping too much. 

How to Stop Oversleeping

Let’s say you sleep six hours a night during the week, and then sleep for a full 12 hours on Saturday. This is not healthy! Sleeping in on the weekends can sometimes feel like a well-deserved treat. The truth is that sleeping longer than normal on the weekends can be detrimental to your health and wellness. A study by the American Heart Association found that those who spend their weekend catching up on sleep for two or more hours are more likely to have poor cardiovascular health than those who don’t try catching up on sleep. Your heart health being affected is only the beginning.

A bad habit can be very hard to break, especially if you’ve been doing it for years. There are specific things you can and should do to break the habit of oversleeping. By following this advice, you can start getting better sleep, which for you actually means less of it:

  1. Get into a Routine (Even on the Weekends!)

One of the best things you can do to stop oversleeping is to get into a bedtime and wake time routine. Yes, this includes the weekends! Doing so will help your body create its own schedule, thus helping you avoid sleeping too much or too little. It’s all about simple math. If you know you need to wake up at 6 am, you need to be asleep by 10 pm. Begin your bedtime routine, which means healthy, calming activities, around 8 pm. Take a bath, do a few stretches, and read a book. You’ll be ready for sleep at the perfect time!

  1. Create the Perfect Sleep Environment

Being able to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep all night long will help you wake up at your desired time. You’ll be getting the right amount of sleep for your body, and the morning won’t be nearly as much of a struggle as it has been in the past. By creating a sleep oasis, you can encourage your body and brain to relax. You want your bedroom to be three things: cool, dark, and quiet. Of course, a high-quality luxury mattress, supportive pillows, and comfortable linens help too!

  1. Keep a Sleep Journal

By writing down details about your surroundings or activities before falling asleep in a sleep journal, you can better assess what needs to change and what is helping. A sleep diary is a record of important sleep-related information that you write down on a daily basis. Although not all sleep diaries are identical, they commonly include details about:

  • Bedtime and/or lights-out time
  • Wake-up time
  • How long it takes to fall asleep
  • The number and duration of sleep interruptions
  • The number and duration of daytime naps
  • Your feelings regarding sleep quality from the night before 
  • Consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and late-night meals
  • Daily medications
  • Daily exercise, including what, how long, and when
  1. Create Healthy Eating Habits During the Day

We’ve spoken several times before about how much of an effect what you eat has on your quality of sleep. From the amount of caffeine you consume to the types of nutrients you’re giving your body, it all has a huge impact on your sleep. When you eat better, you sleep better- it’s as simple as that!

  1. Avoid Napping

Sleeping too much doesn’t necessarily mean nine straight hours. While taking a nap can solve the immediate problem of daytime fatigue, it often makes it more difficult to tackle the bigger issue. Even if it’s broken up at different points throughout the day, too much sleep can make you feel even more tired and groggy than if you hadn’t napped at all. To help keep yourself awake and avoid the need for a nap, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, go for a walk, or try some other exercises to get your blood pumping and your body moving.

  1. Exercise During the Day

You should be exercising daily. The Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep tells us that exercise increases the amount of Deep Sleep you experience. This is important because Deep Sleep is what rejuvenates your body. If you’re getting enough time in Deep Sleep, you’re not going to need to oversleep in order to feel rested. That being said, not all exercising is beneficial for your night of sleep ahead. Experts tell us that working out first thing in the morning is ideal for creating a healthy daily routine. 

  1. Let the Light in!

Long before humans had smartphones or even alarm clocks, we had the sun. The sunrise told our ancestors that it was daytime and therefore time to get up. Your body still recognizes this as a wake up cue, you just need to make sure enough light gets in your bedroom to do its job. If you’re having a hard time not oversleeping, it’s best to avoid blackout curtains or sleeping in a room that is too dark. A little bit of natural light goes a long way toward getting your circadian rhythm back to where it should be.

When your body has experienced the rejuvenation it needs, you’re less likely to wake up so groggy that you want to keep sleeping. Sleep is a bit more complicated than “less is bad and more is good.” In fact, if you’re regularly sleeping more than nine hours a night, this is not healthy for you at all. We encourage you to try all of these healthy lifestyle habits in order to correct the problem. If you’re sleeping in a comfortable, supportive bed, plus eating right, exercising, and following other advice and you’re not seeing an improvement in your fatigue, we encourage you to speak with a medical professional in regard to any underlying conditions that may be affecting your wellness efforts.

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